Report of the first semester: about 40 guillottines delivered

installazione tagliacarte

A truly intense semester that just ended, which allowed us to deliver the 40th guillotine of the year at the end of June. A very important milestone for our company, because it shows us once again that the sector is constantly moving and that with our approach and our services we are able to fully satisfy customer requests, especially those who, after contacting us, for the first time, they decide to rely on us again.

Another interesting point of view is the ever-increasing demand for large format guillotine, from 115 cm to 155 cm, with even some particular requests for 220 cm. This change is closely linked to the increase in relationships with paper converting companies, box factories and bookbinders, whose requests for supply and assistance have increased in recent months, compared to those of digital printing centers, which are instead concentrated in smaller formats, such as light 78 paper cutters. and 92 cm.

The factors that undoubtedly helped us achieve these results can be traced back to our experience and presence in the sector for more than 30 years, in addition to the professionalism and timeliness of intervention of our technicians, which has allowed us to make ourselves further known, acquiring ever more credibility both in assistance but also in the supply of spare parts and machinery.

Added to this is our presence in the most famous trade fairs in the sector, on the front line as exhibitors but also as visitors. Not least the online presence, through our website always updated with the latest installations and new machinery available, as well as social media on which we have the opportunity to talk about our approach and the results of our intense revision work complete with paper cutters and other equipment.

Prospects for the second semester? Certainly equally good, since in recent months we have signed several contracts which ensure dozens of installations also in the second half of 2022. Added to these are the maintenance on the guillotines sold in recent years and the technical interventions that are requested of us every week by customers and others. Furthermore, throughout the year but in particular in the months of July and August, various movements of machinery have already been scheduled, a service that we provide to our customers and which in most cases requires particular equipment and certain skills on the machinery.